Kris Lee

Kris Lee

Travel Specialist

My personal favorite place to travel is within Canada! The never-ending beauty from ocean to ocean captures my heart like no other place. I do enjoy travelling to warmer climates as well though! Places like southern US, Mexico, and Caribbean have all been on my must-see list. Since working in the travel industry my world has opened and my travel list has gotten larger and longer. My personal bucket list includes places like Kenya, India, Italy and the Mekong River.

 I am personally most interested in volun-tourism and using local tour operators when travelling. Taking a trip and interacting with locals and their daily activities is a passion of mine, and one I love to share with my clients.

I love planning exciting trips that meet and exceed people's expectations. Whether it is to eat, play, explore, connect or relax, I am honoured to help plan trips of a lifetime for my clients.

Next up:

-Mediterranean cruise on Cunard in August 2024

Book an appointment with me here:

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